Wellness Programs
St Patrick's Primary School have a range of different wellness programs that are aimed to providing students with a diverse range of activities and programs to address their specific needs.
Bounce Back!
The BOUNCE BACK! Wellbeing & Resilience Program looks at the environmental and personal skills for building resilience in children and young people.
The program focuses mainly on the teaching of coping skills to help children and young people respond positively to the complexity of their everyday lives. In other words, children are taught how to ‘bounce back’ after experiencing sadness, difficulties, frustrations and hard times.
More information on the Bounce Back! program can be found on the KidsMatter website here.
Seasons for Growth
Seasons for Growth is a small group grief and loss education program.
It is based on the belief that change and loss are part of life and grief is a normal response to these losses.
The Seasons for Growth program provides an opportunity for children to learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand and respond well to grief and loss experiences (e.g. death, separation, divorce).
More information on the Seasons for Growth program can be found on the KidsMatter website here.
Buddy Program
Each Prep student is matched with a Grade 6 buddy. Together, they participate in regular shared learning activities throughout the year, including literacy, inquiry, maths games, cooking and craft.
It helps the Preps feel safe at school and promotes leadership and responsibility in the Grade 6's, who do an amazing job nurturing and guiding the preps through their first year.
It is a rewarding and positive program for all involved!
Imagination Club
St Patrick's work with the I-CAN Network and together we embrace Autism. Through the Imagination Club we also recognise that many students don’t have a diagnosis, or their diagnosis has not been disclosed. Our school's mentoring program is called ‘Imagination Club – for students with big imaginations’.
More information on Imagination Clubs can be found on the I CAN Network website here.
Theraplay is an engaging, playful, relationship-focused treatment method that is interactive, physical and fun. It can be used for children and adults of all ages, but is most effective between the ages of 18 months and 12 years.
Children who can benefit from Theraplay often show internalised behaviours such as withdrawal, depression, fearfulness or shyness, externalised behaviours such as acting out, anger and non-compliance, and also relationship or attachment problems.
Theraplay has been used with children with ASD, developmental delays and physical disorders quite effectively.
If you would like some more information about Theraplay, please contact Cassie Thompson at cassie.thompson@spkilmore.catholic.edu.au.
Yoga and Meditation
Our Yoga and Meditation program is specialised just for kids. The program focuses on teaching self awareness, calming, emotional regulation and love. Yoga and meditation is an effective method for resolving trauma, anxiety and improving emotional wellbeing. It also assists with regulating behaviours, concentration, physical health and decreasing stress. Please watch the accompanying video for more information or contact butterflyyogameditation@gmail.com