At St Patrick's, we promote a healthy, safe and supportive learning environment for all students. Student wellbeing is a responsibility shared between home and school and at St Patrick's the communication between home and school provides a vital link to ensuring student well-being.
The school has implemented programs to encourage positive social behaviours such as: Bounce Back, whole-school behaviour management practices under the Restorative Practices philosophy and the recognition of students who are role models of positive behaviours for learning and play.
Other initiatives that support the students include the Seasons for Growth program, social skills support programs for students, the provision of clubs at play and lunch time and Christian meditation and prayer. These moments of quiet reflection assist the students to increase their feeling of wellbeing.
St Patrick's has a Code of Cooperation that reinforces the school guiding principles of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. Through acknowledging these rules every child agrees to behave in a way that ensures all members of the school community are respected and are able to learn and interact in a safe and supportive learning environment.
St. Patrick’s aims to work as a team with parents and families to assist students in the area of social or emotional development. A counsellor is available on site to provide individual counselling to students when needed. A Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist are available to work with children, parents and teachers to develop specific learning support programs.
Wellbeing is fundamental to successful learning. Wellbeing is “feeling good” about myself, my relationships as well as my sense of meaning, purpose and growth. It is a state of positive emotional and social functioning. Students who are happy, confident, and able to establish meaningful relationships are better placed to achieve positive learning outcomes.