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New Staff Induction

Welcome to St Patrick's Primary School in Kilmore.  We welcome you into our relational school.  We believe in ensuring that you feel supported as you enter the school and begin for the first time, as we understand the nerves that comes with a new job.  This webpage is designed to provide you with all of your initial school knowledge.  This is your ongoing reference guide that you can continuously refer back to as you find your feet and establish yourself at St Pat's.  Welcome.

As you work through this induction, you will receive information about working at St Pat's.  The blue section is information thta is relevant to all staff.  The grey section is for teaching staff only.  Please click on the photo of the staff member at the start of each section for an introduction, and then the subsequent icon links for additional information.  At the end is a Google Form that you must complete to confirm that you have completed your induction components.

Start here...

Michael Bourne.jpg
Michael Bourne
School Principal
Darvell_Mrs Liz.jpg
Liz Darvell
EA to Principal and DP
OH&S Representative
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Robyn Hallowell
Payroll Officer
Michalke_Mrs Shelly.jpg
Shelly Michalke
STEM Leader

Teaching staff keep going...

Other staff can go to the bottom and fill out the induction completion form.

Michalke_Mrs Shelly.jpg
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Shelly Michalke &
Jess Kurzman
Joint Teaching &
Learning Leaders
Justine Sapiano
Literacy Leader
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Jess Kurzman
Maths Leader
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Sallyanne McMeikin
Student Wellbeing Leader
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Natalie Rees
Learning Diversity Leader

Congratulations, you are finished....

Congratulations on getting through the wealth of information that has been provided to you here.  We know that there is a lot to take in, and that you will forget some of this.  That's why it is here in this format, so that you can continuously refer back to the information as you need it.


Now that you have finished, can you please complete the Google Form below to confirm that you have completed your induction program.


This is an important part of your induction into St Patrick's, and we thank you for participating.  Please keep asking questions, because that's how you learn.

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