Next week sees the return of our Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 students and whilst the school staff are pleased to see them return, I am sure that our families are also pleased to see them finish their remote learning.
The school lent ICT equipment to many families, including laptops (and chargers), internet dongles and stylus in order to assist with remote learning.
If you do not need the equipment for older siblings in Years 3-6, can we please ask that all equipment is returned to school on Tuesday morning BEFORE school, so that it can be sanitised and returned to the relevant classes ready for use.
In order to reflect the need to minimise adults onsite, there will be a station setup outside of the front foyer where equipment can be returned. Staff will be at the station to scan the equipment back into the school as proof of your return of the equipment.
If you are aware of any issues with the equipment, please let the staff member know so that we can have it resolved before the equipment goes back into use.