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Parents and Friends Committee

The Parents and Friends Committee is a volunteer group of families that meet each month to discuss activities for the school and organise social and fundraising events for both within the school and the broader community.


The P&F conduct various social activities such as Mother's and Father's Day breakfasts, disco and movie nights, Mother's Day luncheon and the new families barbeque.  The fundraising activities are conducted to raise money for internal purposes such as major equipment purchases like the synthetic turf and new playground equipment, as well as for external purposes such as Caritas (international aid and development organisation of the Catholic Church in Australia), St Vincent's De Paul and other community and relief organisations.


The P&F committee is made up of a president, vice president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer and assistant treasurer, along with general committee members.  General committee members can be involved in the committee as much or as little as they wish.  Some choose to only attend a few meetings a year and simply provide feedback, whereas others choose to take the lead and run specific events, and others will simply help out on an ad hoc basis for individual events.  There is no need for specific skills or abilities, it is more important that you bring your own life skills and experience as a family member at the school.


Being on the P&F committee is a great way to establish new friendships within the school community and to also show your children that you too have a commitment to the school.


The current P&F committee executive are:


Chairperson:            Bridgette Fatches

Secretary:                 Natasha Biddick

Treasurer:                 Deb Amodio


The P&F can be contacted by email at

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