School Facilities
St Patrick's prides itself on the beautiful facilities that it provides to its students. Despite having such great facilities on offer to the students, the school is continuously striving to update and improve these resources to ensure that the students have the necessary spaces and resources to maximise their learning outcomes.
Art Room
The school has a dedicated art room which is used as part of the school's specialist class program.
In addition to all of the usual equipment for painting, printing, modelling, textiles and construction, St Patrick's is one of few schools in the area that also have a kiln to allow the school to offer clay modelling as well.

Health and physical education is a core component of the curriculum and the school has a very well-equipped indoor sports stadium.
The facilities include a full-sized basketball/netball court, stadium seating along one side with a performance stage on the other side.
There are also office and classroom spaces, as well as the canteen to one end of the building.
The school has a very well-resourced library which is accessible to all students on a number of occasions during a school week.
In addition to the usual book borrowing and changing of weekly readers, the library also maintains a store of laptops for student use.
The library space is also used during recess and lunchtime for various specialist programs and extra-curricular clubs. More information about some of the school programs can be found here and extra-curricular clubs here.
The school values science as part of the Victorian curriculum.
The specialist science room is resourced with a variety of equipment such as microscopes, environmental and other equipment, and has a large open space floor plan to allow students to be creative during experiments.

Netball Courts
The school netball area has three plexipave-surfaced courts, along with two mobile basketball rings.
This area is open to students to use during recess and lunchtime, as well as being opened to the senior students before school.
The netball courts are also utilised by the St Patrick's Netball Club for games on Saturday mornings during the season, along with training after school during the week.

Sports Oval
A school day can be long for some students, so the ability to run around at recess and lunchtime is very important. The school oval is a large grassed space for students to engage is ball sports such as football (with padded goal posts at each end) and a soccer goal net.
The school oval is irrigated through an onsite bore and sprinkler system to ensure that the surface is well-grassed year-round to make it as safe as possible.

Play is a vital element to a student's time at school, not only for the physical activity aspect, but the social interaction and learnings that a student gains as well.
The school "adventure playground" provides students with a range of activities including a sandpit, monkey bars, climbing frames, flying foxes and slide.

Community Garden
The school has a number of garden areas at the school to help teach students about the environment and healthy eating.
The school community garden near the netball courts is a great opportunity for students to learn about things like recycling, composting and exactly where our food comes from.
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come and assist with the ongoing work in the community garden.

School Canteen
The school has a large canteen space that is utilised for providing a school lunch order service four days a week, as well as being used to cater for various activities that take place in the sports stadium such as movie nights, discos and parent forums.
For more information about the school canteen service, please go to the canteen webpage here.