Cyber Safety
Cybersafety is the safe and responsible use of information and communication technology. It is about keeping information safe and secure, but also about being responsible with that information, being respectful of other people online, and using good ‘netiquette’ (internet etiquette).
When sharing anything using technologies such as computers, mobile devices, email and the internet it is important you and everyone else invited to your account understands about netiquette and staying safe online. Even if you are confident about cybersafety it would be a good idea to check if all those invited to your account have the knowledge they need, too.
When choosing a password, choose something consisting of letters and numbers, that would be difficult to guess from public information about you. Never write your password down or share it with anyone. If you think someone is acting suspiciously, or requesting information you feel uncomfortable about advise your parents or the school immediately.
If you think you are cyber safe, take the following quiz from the Office of the eSafety Commissioner to see just our cyber safe you are:
We are excited to announce that St Patrick’s is now officially an eSmart school. St Patrick’s are the first school under the VIC funding agreement to achieve eSmart status in the North East Region in 2019.
This has been an outstanding accomplishment to staff and students at our school and shows St Patrick’s true commitment to raising a generation of smart, safe and responsible children, who are capable and compassionate – both on and offline.
Click on the logo below for more information from their website.
The eSafety Commissioner has a website with links to a variety of agencies and organisations to help guide Australians towards safe and enjoyable experiences online, which you can find here:
If at any time you feel that you have been cyber bullied, we encourage you to report the matter through the Cyber Safety Incident Form below: