Community Services
St Patrick's is strongly committed to ensuring that we work in partnership with our families and the community to achieve the best possible outcomes for our children. Sometimes our families require additional support to achieve that and here we provide a list of local services that may be able to assist. This list is not exhaustive but should be considered an accessible way to gain an overview of the services available.
For more information about these services, please click on the name of the service and you will be directed to more information about that particular service.
Local services
The Bridge Youth Services, Seymour
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services
(Taungurung Clans Aboriginal Corporation) (TCAC), Broadford
Medical services
Law enforcement
Library services
Local council services
Medical, allied health and community services
Child, family, carer and disability support
Family, youth, early years, foster, housing
Local civil and criminal court
Youth (15-25) services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services
(03) 5734 2000
(03) 5782 1211
(03) 5734 6481
(03) 5734 6200
1300 773 352
(03) 5734 1000
(03) 5735 1800
(03) 5735 0100
(03) 5799 1298
(03) 5784 1433
Outside or phone services
Mental health and general support (12-25yo)
Support for eating disorders/body image issues
Referral service for women
Support for depression, anxiety, mental issues
Crisis support and suicide prevention
Telephone and online counselling (5-25yo)
Counselling/support service for parents
Community based legal support for indigenious Australians
(03) 8338 0919
1800 334 673
1300 134 130
1300 224 636
13 11 14
1800 551 800
13 22 89
(03) 5153 0449
Kilmore Hospital
Anderson Road, Kilmore
Open 24 hours
The Hospital provides services attending to medical, health and wellbeing needs of the community. With specialists who provide services in the areas of:
Urgent Care
Maternity & Antenatal Services
Aged Care
Social Work
District Nursing
Please remember to dial 000 in an emergency
The Kilmore & District Hospital Emergency Department is open for urgent care during the following hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8am-10pm
Friday: 8am-11pm
Saturday: 10am-11pm
Sunday: 10am-10pm
Maternity Queries: 5734 2162
Antenatal Clinic: 5734 2119
Pregnancy care and education is available on site at Kilmore Hospital on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings, at Wallan Nexus Health on Mondays & Seymour Health on Thursdays.
Dianella Hostel: 5734 2170
Cardenia Nursing Home: 5734 2155
These facilities share the site with the Kilmore & District Hospital on Anderson Road, Kilmore, VIC, 3764.
The hospital makes their best attempt to find suitable interpreters for patients and their families at no cost.
Social Work
Counselling, information, advocacy and support services are available to all inpatients, out patients, cardenia and dianella residents and their families.
Hospital staff can make suggestions or referrals themselves, or patients and their family members may request a referral or contact the social worker themselves.
The district nurses service all areas of Kilmore, Wandong, Heathcote Junction, Upper Plenty, Wallan, Beveridge, Pyalong and surrounding areas.
Kilmore Police Station
Powlett Street, Kilmore
For all emergencies call 000.
Kilmore Police Station is a non-24 hour station servicing the Kilmore area and provide services including:
Responding to calls for assistance in matters of personal and public safety, emergencies and serious incidents.
Preventing crime through a range of proactive community safety programs.
Detecting and investigating offences, and bringing to justice those responsible for committing them.
Supporting the judicial process to achieve efficient and effective court case management, providing safe custody for alleged offenders, supporting victims and ensuring fair and equitable treatment of victims and offenders.
Promoting safe road-user behaviour.
For more information, go to their website here.
Kilmore Library
12 Sydney Street, Kilmore
Open Monday to Wednesday and Friday 9am to 5pm, Thursday 10am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 12 noon (Closed Sunday).
The Kilmore Library offers traditional library services as well as other community support services including:
Book borrowing
Baby book worms & Toddler Time
School holiday activities
Tech help classes
Paying accounts
Requests and information about permits, bins, animals, disabled parking permits,
Bookings for concerts, forums and events
VicRoads (renewals and logbooks only)
Proof of age cards
Firearm licence renewals
Miners rights permits
Vline tickets
DHS information kiosk
For more information go to their website here.
Mitchell Shire Council
113 High Street, Broadford
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm
The Mitchell Shire Council Civic Centre is located in the geographic centre of the Mitchell Shire in the township of Broadford. Council also has customer service centres in the Seymour, Kilmore and Wallan libraries. They offer many family and community support services and programs as well as a great website for detailed information.
The open hours and address of each information centre can be found on the website under “Contact Us” or requested over the phone.
Young People
Youth Drop-In Centres for young people aged between 10-18 with games, sporting equipment, cooking and craft facilities, internet access and free snacks. These centres are located at:
152 High Street, Broadford
Multi-Purpose Centre, Bentinick Street, Wallan
These centres host:
Holiday programs
Youth Council
Art projects & skate parks
Contacts for social & emotional support
Access to support and advocacy with professionals
Health & Well-being
Local health & well-being officer
Healthy food advice and information
Maternal & Child Health services
Leisure centres
Family support services including: Drug & Alcohol, Family Violence and Gambling support
Community strategy & emergency management
Crisis support
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander services
Housing support
Advice, counselling & referrals
Child Protection information & referral
For more information go their website here.
Nexus Health, Wallan
7-11 High Street, Wallan
Open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 8:00pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Nexus Primary Care in Wallan offers a range of person-centred health, support and advocacy services to the community
Allied Health
Diabetes info & support
Occupational & Speech Therapists
General Practitioners
Practice, District, Continence & Community Nursing
Mental Health
PHaMs (Personal Helpers and Mentors)
VBAF (Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund)
Animal therapy with horses
Community Support Services
Alcohol, Tobacco and other drugs support
Family Violence support
Financial counselling
Disability case management
Personal & Home care
Home maintenance
Transport assistance
Respite care
Meals on wheels
For more information, go to their website here.
Family Care, Wallan
45 Wellington Street, Wallan
Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Family Care is a service that works in partnership with communities and focuses on the strengths and skills of families in order to support them through challenging times.
Child & Family Support Services
Child FIRST (Family Information Referral and Support Team) workers support families, young parents and children to identify and achieve their goals by promoting strong family bonds and strengths.
Integrated Family Services support families to address their identified needs which may include: times of difficulty, strengthening family relationships, goal setting, parent education & support, emotional support, group programs and case coordination.
Parent Child program: free service to parents with children under 4. They offer support for feeding, sleeping, behaviour, single parents, young parents, multiple births and premature infants.
Men & Family Relationships: male workers assisting men with challenges including grief and loss, depression and anxiety, behaviour change, building relationships and offer support programs and groups such as:
Balancing Love and Discipline
Real Men Make Great Dads
Keeping Kool
Men’s and Women’s Anger Management
Carer Support Services
Short term in and out of home respite care
Short term provision of meals, home care and personal care
Information regarding local services and specific health, ageing or disability issues
Information and link in with self help, community support groups and day programs
Communication equipment for the aged
Disability Support Services
Support to carers and parents of people under the age of 25 years with a disability.
Emotional support to children with disability and their families
Education and information for families and carers
Therapeutic programs for children and young people
Referral to other specialist services
Respite and recreational opportunities including school holiday and after school care, camps and weekend programs.
For more information, go to their website here.
Berry Street, Seymour
52 Station Street, Seymour
Berry Street has a focus on providing safe homes, healing childhood trauma, building stronger families, helping children to learn and speaking out for childhood. They have a large range of programs to support young people and families which are listed below. More information can be found on their website, or by contacting Berry Street Seymour.
Family Services
Children’s contact service for support
Post-separation cooperative parenting program
Youth Services
Intensive case management
Health & Well-being project
Bushfire Youth Support
L2P driving support
Leaving care
Early Years Community
Connect for kids
Early learning
Emergency relief
Parenting after bushfires
Safe & Caring communities
Saver Plus: Financial inclusion program
Education, Training & Employment
Adult community education
Leaps & bounds
School focused youth service
Youth Arts & Youth Connections
Foster, Kinship & Residential Care
Support and caring programs for young people in foster/kinship care or residential care homes.
Therapeutic Services
Counselling through trauma
Sexual abuse prevention program
For more information, go to their website here.
Seymour Magistrates Court
56 Tallarook Street, Seymour
Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm
The Seymour Magistrates court is the local court for the Mitchell Shire area. The website offers access to information, contact details and forms that may clarify certain processes for families and individuals.
This court covers the main areas of:
Family Law
Family Violence & Intervention Orders
Criminal matters & Traffic Offences
Money claims and Civil disputes
Fines & Penalties
Specialist jurisdictions: Drug Court & Koori Court
The Magistrates court provides support services for individuals and families including an Aboriginal liaison program, Court Integrated Services Program (CISP), Credit/Bail Support Program & Enforcement Review Program.
For more information, go to their website here.
Bridge Youth Services, Seymour
54 Tallarook Street, Seymour
Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Bridge youth services work with young people aged between 12-25 and their families to support them to find solutions to the challenges that life presents. They support young people and their families through situations such as:
Helping to keep families together
Helping families reconnect
Finding a place to live
Helping with school and education
Support for mums and dads to be
Support for young parents/expecting parents
Someone to talk to
Support for young music lovers & bands
News & Info
The Bridge website offers information about all of these programs and how they can support you and our family in these areas. You can go to their website here.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services
Taungurung Clans Aboriginal Corporation (TCAC)
37 High Street, Broadford
“Protecting Our Rights - Building Our Future”
Celebrate Taungurung culture and identity
Bring mob together, revive Taungurung culture & language & contribute to health and well-being.
Welcome ceremonies, native garden services and education about culture and language.
Goranwarrabul House
Seymour Health - Bretonneux Street, Seymour
“All are welcome to call in for a cuppa, yarn and a look around”
Improving health & wellbeing of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people
Culturally appropriate & accessible information
Opportunities to get to know local mob
Health & wellbeing workshops, training, information sessions & groups
For more information, go to their website here.
Level 1/340 Craigieburn Rd, Craigieburn
Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
Headspace offers mental health and general support to young people aged between 12-25 and their families at their centres, online and over the phone. The Headspace website has downloadable brochures for young people and their families with information about how they can support young people with things such as:
Mental health, difficulties and disorders
Eating disorders
Self harm & suicidal ideation
Gender identity and mental health
Sexuality and mental health
Support after natural disasters
Mental health for parents & carers
For more information, go to their website here.
The Butterfly Foundation
The Butterfly Foundation is a specialist service providing personalised and confidential support for people with an eating disorder or body image issues. They also have support services for parents, carers, families and friends, teachers, counsellors, employers, health professionals and anyone with questions about eating disorders.
The services provided by the Butterfly Foundation include:
Hotline and online information and advice
Treatment programs
Support groups
Education services for: young people, professionals and teachers, parents, the whole community
For more information, go to their website here.
Women's Information and Referral Exchange (WIRE)
Open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm
“Any woman. Any issue.”
WIRE offers a free information and referral service for all Victorian women requiring information or support regarding:
Violence against women
Legal advice
WIRE have interpreters if required and also offer free programs and events including:
Seminars on family & relationships, financial capability, legal rights and personal empowerment
Employment sessions & career workshops
Computer tutoring & internet workshops
Women’s lunch and activities clubs for women experiencing homelessness and/or isolation
Legal clinics on separation and property
Programs to help build financial future
For more information, go to their website here.
Hotline open 24 hours a day/7 days a week
beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
beyondblue can provide assistance in the areas of:
suicide prevention
self-harm and self-injury
pregnancy and early parenthood
grief and loss
drugs, alcohol and mental health
For more information, go to their website here.
Hotline open 24 hours a day/7 days a week
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. It is committed to empowering Australians to be suicide-safe through connection, compassion and hope.
Their vision is for an Australia free of suicide.
For more information, go to their website here.
Kids Helpline
Hotline open 24 hours a day/7 days a week
Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
They operate with child-centred practices and aim to empower those they are working and supporting.
Depending on the age of the child, Kids Helpline support in the following areas:
mental health
friends and family
sexuality and relationships
safety and abuse
study and work
For more information, go to their website here.
Open 8:00am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week
Parentline supports and nurtures positive, caring relationships between parents, children, teenagers and the significant other people who are important to the well-being of families.
Their trained counsellors can assist you to:
Identify your immediate concerns as a parent
Recognise your own skills and strengths
Consider and develop strategies for making meaningful change
Explore important aspects of your family (e.g. values and dynamics)
Look at your own unique family relationships
Identify your information needs and access relevant resources
Access individually-paced over-the-phone parenting skills training
For more information, go to their website here.
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Services
VALS plays an important role in providing referrals, advice/information, duty work or case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the State of Victoria. Solicitors at VALS specialise in one of three areas of law, being Criminal Law, Family Law and Civil Law.
For more information, go to their website here.