About St Patrick's Primary School
St Patrick’s is founded on the values and teachings of Jesus Christ as they are presented to us in the Gospel.
They are central to the vision and mission of our school and permeate every aspect of school life as our community accepts the challenge to walk in Jesus’ footsteps each day. At St Patrick’s, the children in our care are central to everything we do. Their uniqueness is recognised and celebrated as we strive to cater for individual learning needs.
St Patrick’s is located at the southern end of Kilmore, situated 57 kilometres north of Melbourne. It is a rapidly developing, light industrial and residential town. The leading industries are pastoral, horse racing/trotting, education and tourism. Many of our parents commute to the outer northern areas of Melbourne for work each day. The township of Kilmore and the surrounding townships that form part of the parish of St Patrick’s have been predominately Anglo-Saxon but this is changing as more people establish themselves in the immediate area.
St Patrick’s is a co-educational school offering a comprehensive curriculum including opportunities for multi-ability grouping. Children learn in a positive environment that encourages co-operation, risk-taking and effective communication between teachers, students and peers. Within this environment, students are expected to develop positive self-esteem, work cooperatively with others, take pride in their school and their work, value achievement and respect staff and other students.
At St Patrick’s we aim to:
Welcome and work in partnership with parents, who are the prime educators of their children.
Nurture a caring community of staff, students and parents by promoting the values of respect, tolerance and co-operation.
Personalise the children’s learning experiences by using a diverse range of teaching styles and methods
Provide suitable opportunities that enable the children to develop in spirit, mind and body.